Sunday, October 29, 2006

Food that burns fat

Food that burns fat is a hit on Internet. Find your own resources by searching with google.

I found this one : "So though certain foods help you to burn a greater number of calories than the calorie value of the food itself, thus resulting in a possible weight loss"

Or this one: "Fat burning foods are foods that burn more calories than the calorie content of the foods itself. "

Or read another approach to fat burning food here: "Yes, some foods have been shown to help people lose fat, but it is typically because the food is either low in calories or satiates their appetite. "

Autumn is here

This week was amazing. Autumn is here. The days are getting shorter. The wind is getting colder and rain is in the air almost every day. These are the times that I appreciate inside pools the most. A swimming pool is always nice and warm. The water is always the same temperature and getting wet is fun.
The climate in a pool is favourable for loosing weight. The warmth will heat up your body and you can start burning your calories right away. I always notice a change in my body after about 20 to 30 minutes in my workout. At this point my body has consumed all the available energy and starts to get energy from the backup resource: body fat. I love this feeling. If I continue training at a moderate or high level my body will warm up even more and will start to colorize red. Now I know my fat-burning-machine is working. Just add water. When the training is over, shower, dress, car ride home and couch. My machine is still running. My body is still graving for energy. I am still burning fat. And I feel that because I am still warm. The only thing I do is to add water. I do not eat any carbs yet. The first thing I eat, after an fat-burning exercise is food that burns fat.
Now why was this week amazing. Well because of the weather change I could train a little more. I talked to more people with the same idea’s as I have: swimming is the way to loose body fat. I’ve got some real positive inspiration to take this idea a lot further. You are welcome to comment on the above.

Monday, October 09, 2006

fat burning machine

Get it from this site:
Fat burning machine dot com

3 tips:

- Workout for at least 30min after waking up in the morning
- Eat a healthy breakfast
- Burn fat & lose more weight during the day

But read the page to see how they can work for you!

Running in water

Running in water will burn calories 6 times faster than jogging on the beach according to this article:
Supercool water workouts: make a splash as you get slim and strong with our summer guide to aqua-fitness

Running is not my specialty but it is enjoyable to red it and to see others do it. So if you are into running in water: have fun and let us swim.

Enjoy !!
Now tell me if swimming is good for your body . . .

Tip Number One

Say you are overweight, not a little bit but a lot. Say you you’ve been in a pool before, let’s even say you go swimming quite often, maybe even once or twice a week. You are a regular visitor of the local pool. And still you haven’t got the ideal figure you like to have. The figure of one of those swimmers that train before or after your time in the pool. Ok, and you wonder: “How does swimming help me to get in shape?” You know that swimming is good for you and you even like it. That’s why you’ve found the enthusiasm to come to the swimming pool that often. Let’s say that the above is all true for you I will heave a few tips for you. A few simple tips to help you to start burning fat while you do what you like so much: swimming.

Tip number one is to exhale. As simple as that: exhale. Let the air out of your longs during your swim as far as possible as often as possible. But, exhale under the water surface. Make bubbles. With each stroke you inhale and you exhale deeply and strongly. I’ve seen too many people swimming and not paying any attention to their breathing. They will become tired and discouraged to soon to benefit from the exercise. As you exhale completely you will notice that your stroke needs to lengthen to get enough time to exhale completely. And that’s the trick of this tip. A longer, smoother and stronger stroke, invoked by exhaling completely will ease your swimming and let you last longer.

What is so important about: “lasting longer”? Ok, you want to burn fat you need to switch to fat burning mode during an exercise. This only happens when you consumed all of your resources and start to call on the stored energy source: body fat. It takes a while to get to that point. Swimming with ease and smoothness will get you to that point and beyond. It will prevent you from stopping your workout before fatburingmode is invoked.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Invest in your body

Does the Swim to get slim program require a investment? What are the costs? Where can we order? How much? No, no and no. This program is a free of charge body fat burning program free of charge. It is not orderable, not on available on DVD or e-book. It is free for everybody.

The only investment you make is the investment in your own body, your own health. If you start swimming and start loosing weight and you start sharing your thoughts on swimming to burn fat with us you are on the right track. Sometimes life is soooo easy.

Swimming makes you look good, smell good en feel good. After a good swim you will be full of energy and ready for a day’s work. Swimming will warm-up your body and will ignite your fat burning machine. And the only thing you do is to get in the water and start swimming.
What are you waiting for, where is the pool?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Some of the health benefits of swimming

Swimming is good exercise (that’s obvious). Swimming is a lifetime sport that benefits the body and the whole person! But what is it that makes swimming good, specifically? That depends on what you are trying to accomplish.

Swimming is a healthy activity that can be continued for a lifetime - and the health benefits swimming offers for a lifetime are worth the effort it takes to get to the pool.

Why do you swim? For the health benefits to your heart and lungs? For the chance to be with some of your friends at the pool? Because, in your case, running everyday hurts? Because you like the feeling of floating and sliding through the water? Or is it something else? If you are looking for a break from the heat of the summer, then a dip in the water is exactly what you need; swimming is a way for you to cool off.

Maybe you are a runner, training on a regular basis, and want to find an activity that keeps your heart rate up but takes some of the impact stress off of your body. Perhaps you have been doing some other form of land exercise, and now an injury prevents you from putting weight on a knee or ankle. Swimming can help you. Kicking workouts, water aerobics, pool running, or a regular swimming workout can all give you a great exercise session without the weight of your body pounding you with each move.

Regular swimming builds endurance, muscle strength and cardio-vascular fitness. It can serve as a cross-training element to your regular workouts. Before a land workout, you can use the pool for a warm-up session. Swimming with increasing effort to gradually increase your heart rate and stimulate your muscle activity is easily accomplished in the water. After a land workout, swimming a few laps can help you cool-down, move blood through your muscles to help them recover, and help you relax as you glide through the water.

Swimming does burn calories at a rate of about 3 calories a mile per pound of bodyweight. If you weigh 150 lbs. and it takes you 30 minutes to swim one mile (1,760 yards or 1,600 meters), then you will be using about 900 calories in one hour. However, many swimmers do not swim that quickly, and many cannot swim for that distance or duration.

Spending time in a group workout, whether water aerobics or a master’s swim practice, is a great social outlet. Exchanging stories, challenging each other, and sharing in the hard work make swimming with others a rewarding experience.

There are other psychological benefit to swimming, if you allow it to occur. Relax and swim with a very low effort. Let your mind wander, focusing on nothing but the rhythm of your stroke. This form of meditation can help you gain a feeling of well-being, leaving your water session refreshed and ready to go on with the rest of your day. Many swimmers find an in-direct benefit form swimming. They develop life skills such as sportsmanship, time-management, self-discipline, goal-setting, and an increased sense of self-worth through their participation in the sport. Swimmers seem to do better in school, in general terms, than non-swimmers as a group.

And I didn’t mention the neat things chlorine and sun can do for the texture and color of your hair...

Swim On!

Does swimming help one to slim down?

Read the answers to this question:

Indeed it can! Despite all the hype surrounding various diets, the basic principle remains the same. Total Calories Used per day greater than Total Calories In per day= Weight Loss. The greater the Negative Calorie Balance per day the faster the weight loss. The only unfair part of this equation is that while it takes only an excess balance of 3500 calories to gain a pound of takes a negative balance of 5000 calories to lose a pound of fat.
The best weight loss programs combine diet control(reducing the number of calories in) with excercise(increasing the number of calories used). Diet control should focus on reducing the amounts of fats and sugar in your diet...lots of fresh fruit, vegetables and lean protein such as fish and chicken. Excercise should focus on high energy expenditure activities(such as swimming, aerobics, etc) for at least 30 minutes 3-5 times a week.
No one gains weight overnight and no one loses weight for the long term overnight either. Diet fads usually result in rapid weight loss due to loss of water...which you gain back quickly. The best case scenario for long term weight loss due to loss of fat is about 1 pound per week.

Swimming is a good choice--it aerobic and sculpts at the same time. :)

absolutely, i joined a gym and just do aquatic exercises and swim laps and swim a mile once a week and i noticed by body being more toned...and i wasn’t eating that great either...but if i combined the both I’d see big results

Big time. Swimming is the best form of excersize you can get. Just remember that some days during the week to run just to keep your muscles in shock and out of routine. The more you vary your routine, the better your body tends to burn fat...

swimming is an complete exercises hence swimming with diet control will help you slim down

for sure... swimming is one of the best things you could do.. its a whole body workout..

yes it is also good for the muscles and heart enjoy

Yes. Both diet and exercise will help you lose weight. Swimming is an excellent way to exercise, because the buoyancy provided by the water makes it an exercise that is easy on the joints.

Yes, most definitely. The only way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more, and you’re doing both. Good job!

i too tried last year but i wasn’t satisfied .the latter one is wiser .should be done with other forms of strenous exercise like running ,cardio , marital arts or weight training .or even bicycling .it depends on how much you swim .since calorie burned is the important not what kind of exercise .

Swimming is great exercise, it may also be your favorite.

And what are your thoughts???
Please comment . . .

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Turn your body into a fat burning machine

Say goodbye to your fat. Pick-up the excessive fat on you waist, on your behind and or your arms and say goodbye to it. If you read on you will learn that you can get rid of your extra pounds and stay in shape after you’ve lost them.
If you want to lose weight you want to lose fat. If you have a different opinion on this statement then please comment. Be honest, look in the mirror and say: goodbye fat.

Ok, you can get rid of your fat in two way, the doctor can cut it or you can burn it. The first one is not what we want, we go for the second option: burn fat, burn it in water.
There is a simple rule and you know it: in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume. Simple and true. But since we do more and more research on metabolism we know that there are fat burning foods. These are called negative calorie foods. Also true and still actually very simple. But if you get your body in the fat burning modus and combine this with your knowledge of the right things to eat you will convert your body into a fat burning machine.

How you do manage

You don’t have time for the gym. You don’t want to do groceries with a shopping list. You don’t want to search for ingredients you’ve never heard of. You are just to busy with your life and do not want to spend too much time in your fight against fat. Fat fighting comes easy with the swim to get slim program. Burning fat starts here.

A young woman who wanted to lose 20 lbs once asked me the simplest “Coach, how?”. How do I find the time for a diet? How can another program fit into my calendar? How do I combine losing weight with my daily routines? How do I manage? When I reminded here after two months about the conversation we had after her desperate outburst on her busy schedule, she looked at me with a big smile on her face: How? How could I not have seen that this was so easy? She lost her weight and stays slim because she swims.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Lose weight

The best way to lose weight is to exercise. And the best way to exercise is to swim.

How is your struggle with your diet? How do you feel with 600 clories per day? Swim to get slim claims results without extreme diet rules or extended knowledge on carbs and proteins. No sweaty exercises, no useless video's or DVD's. Swim to get slim is the ideal program that combines swimming with weightloss.

Lose your weight in the pool.

Burn fat in water.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Swim to get slim

Swim to get slim

Swim to get the body you want

Swimming beats any diet

Lose weight while you swim

The best way to lose weight is to exercise. And the best way to exercise is to swim.